I’m going to be honest with you.

I don’t have a morning routine because I am NOT a “morning person” and the word routine makes me uncomfortable. Never liked routines of any sort and prefer diversity. 

I have been trying to do the morning thing – wake up early, set up a routine and then start my day. But honestly, I am just not a morning person. I work and function better at night and I am truly a Moon child. I love nighttime because it’s peaceful. Everybody is sleeping and there is a sense of calm. Mornings are very slow for me and I like to take my time to get started with my day, preferably after at least 8h of good night sleep. So I decided I won’t force myself to be what I’m not and what doesn’t feel right. I have found something that works for me and this is what I’d like to share with you today.

As far as routines are concerned, let’s rephrase this and talk about daily practice and rituals rather than routines. I like to make it diverse and intuitively guided.

  • Daily Practice – this to me is not 5-15 minutes in the morning/evening. This is something that is spread throughout the whole day. I will explain more below.
  • Rituals can help instigate change and set intentions. I like to use the Moon rituals (you can find my Moon Rituals in the Temple)  to do just that.

What do I mean by Daily Practice?

My daily practice allows me to stay in the flow all the time. I practice awareness and remind myself to stay conscious. Here are some things I do instead of the morning practice that you can try. The point being – there is no designated time for doing this. Do it when you feel inspired and spread it out throughout the day when it suits you. It’s your choice and your practice.

  • Practice awareness by bringing your attention to the present moment. Notice your breath and connect with its flow, eat mindfully and slowly when eating your meal, listen to the sounds around you….just OBSERVE.
  • Allow your inner guidance to show you the path and act intuitively. Most of my decisions are based on that guidance as it has proven to be absolutely correct and for my highest good. This is the same for everyone. Meditate for a few minutes whenever you get the chance – on the bus/metro, while waiting in a line at the bank, or sit in the park on your way home, when in your office set a timer to just close your eyes and breathe…when you get into that quiet space seek guidance. Connect with it several times a day to enhance it and hear it more clearly. Then observe what insights you get to guide you to your next step. 
  • Stay in gratitude and say thanks for EVERYTHING! Wherever you go, whatever you do, whatever happens, whoever annoys you,…say THANK YOU. It is a blessing even if you don’t know it yet. Stop for just one second and imagine there is a bigger plan for you and everything that is happening is a part of that plan. Trust it’s all happening for a reason and is for your highest good. Stay in that state of mind the whole day – every day. Live it. Breathe it. 
  • Forgive and let go – make decluttering on all levels your way of living. Every day make sure to release all low-vibing energy like that of anger, frustration or sadness and keep your physical space clean. Keep your inner and outer world clean. Use EFT or Tapping to release blocks and unwanted feelings, Reiki, Solfeggio frequencies, or any other way that works for you. Make sure to Forgive yourself and others, and let go of any feelings of resentment. To declutter your space make a massive clearing where you donate/throw away/fix things and then keep it clean. Don’t bring more stuff into your home unless you have thrown something that no longer serves you. Letting go of attachments will make you feel lighter and freer. 
  • Get inspired to be conscious – I love reading scriptures or listening to spiritual talks, TED Talks, inspirational messages…whatever I can do to remind myself of my true Divine essence, to be the observer and co-creator of the reality around me, connect with my guidance a little deeper – all is welcome and beneficial.

All this has helped me manifest many blessings in my life and design my reality the way it suits me.

For example, living on 3 locations – beach house, Paris and chosen location (different every year), yacht trips, luxury travel, tripled my income, manifested my Twin Flame, amazing clients and mentors, and so much more! 

I am manifesting faster because I am in the state of flow the whole time. I am living it. Breathing it. Try it yourself and see what happens!

Sending you all loving support!


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Maja Savic

Author Maja Savic

Maja Savic is a Holistic Coach & Healer, Musician, Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher, Yogini, Intuitive Biz Coach, Spiritual Mentor and Motivation Speaker that helps transform people’s lives on an international level. Published on Insight Timer, Medium, hosting her podcast on various platforms and Youtube channel where she shares her teachings. She founded QInspired Life in 2016 to promote conscious living, to inspire people to follow their heart and manifest their dream life!

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