Did you know that if you visualize your desired outcomes and goals there is a greater chance of them manifesting? It’s really not all woo-woo! It actually works.

Being the practical Virgo I love having scientific proof so I did my research and it seems that our brain doesn’t know if what we’re visualizing is real or not! Whether you’re remembering a situation from the past, playing possible scenarios in your mind or visualizing exactly what you’d like to achieve – there is no difference. What you’re thinking about you will attract. That’s basic Law of Attraction. On the more scientific level, visualization conditions neurological pathways and influences the subconscious mind. Basically, you are programming yourself. The key is to make it as real as possible and as if it’s already manifested, by bringing the feeling into the present moment.

There are many different ways to do that, but I’d like to share with you one that I found quite powerful.


Your gift today is a Guided Visualization for Manifesting desired goals!

And may I just say…DREAM BIG! Don’t hold back! Why the heck not??

NOTE: You will also get access to my free meditations for manifesting abundance and prosperity with brain entrainment and subliminal messaging. enjoy!
Maja Savic

Author Maja Savic

Maja Savic is a Holistic Coach & Healer, Musician, Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher, Yogini, Intuitive Biz Coach, Spiritual Mentor and Motivation Speaker that helps transform people’s lives on an international level. Published on Insight Timer, Medium, hosting her podcast on various platforms and Youtube channel where she shares her teachings. She founded QInspired Life in 2016 to promote conscious living, to inspire people to follow their heart and manifest their dream life!

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